In order for full points to be awarded, the student and guests must remain for the entire presentation.
Students attending will receive an A (100) extra credit grade.
Students who bring their adults (Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmother, Grandfather, Guardians or other significant adults who are in their lives) will receive an additional 25 points per person to a maximum of 100 points which will be applied to grades on an "as needed" basis. Yes - if you want the points, they have to stay for the whole thing too!
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
What does the moon mean to you? Join us for a worldwide event celebrating the moon in science and culture.
• Gaze at the moon through telescopes with the Virginia Peninsula Stargazers and Back Bay Amateur Astronomers.
• Hold a piece of the moon in your hand.
• Explore Our Night Sky with University of Virginia Associate Professor of Astronomy Ed Murphy, Ph.D.